Shell Scripting Project: Creating a User and auto generate password in Ubuntu 20.04
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Shell scripting is an important skill for anyone working with Linux operating systems. It allows users to automate repetitive tasks and improve their productivity. In this tutorial, we'll be creating a simple shell script that creates a user in Ubuntu 20.04 with a username provided as an argument and generates a random password for the user. The script should be executed with only the root user. We'll also display the username, password, and hostname at the end. Also, before I start I want to thank Shubham Londhe for guidance in this learning journey.
Before we begin, you'll need to have access to a Ubuntu 20.04 machine and administrative privileges to create new users.
- Open a terminal on your Ubuntu machine and create a new file called "" by running the command:
Open the file in your favorite text editor and add the following code:
Below conditions, I have kept making it more interesting.
# Script should execute with only the root user
#User should provide at least one argument username else guide him
#Store the first argument as a user_name
#In case of >1 arguments keep other arguments as account comment
#Generate a random password
#Create the User
#Check whether the account is created or not
#Set a password for a user account
#Check if the password is successfully set or not
#Force user to change the password on the first login
#Display the USER_NAME, PASSWORD and HOST where user was created
Save and close the file.
Make the file executable by running the command:
Test the script by running the command:
The script will generate a random password for the user, create the user with the password, and then display the username, password, and hostname. I am also attaching my GitHub profile for the shell script 90DaysOfDevOps/2023/day05 at ShubhamBMatere-Batch-3 · ShubhamBMatere/90DaysOfDevOps (
In this tutorial, we've learned how to create a simple shell script that creates a user in Ubuntu 20.04 with a username provided as an argument and generates a random password for the user. We've also displayed the username, password, and hostname at the end. This is a basic example of shell scripting, but it demonstrates how powerful and useful it can be. With more advanced scripting skills, users can automate complex tasks and improve their efficiency.