Commonly used Linux Commands for DevOps
Week 1 of #90DaysOfDevOps Challenge: Learning Linux Commands for DevOps
If you're interested in technology, chances are that you've come across the term "DevOps" at some point. DevOps is a methodology that combines software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops) to deliver high-quality software products at a faster pace. DevOps has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more companies adopting the methodology to improve their software development process.
As part of my personal #90DaysOfDevOps challenge, I have committed to mastering the DevOps methodology. It has been one week since I started the challenge, and my focus for the week was to learn Linux commands that are necessary for DevOps. In this blog post, I'll be sharing my learnings from the past week.
Linux is a popular operating system used in many DevOps environments. It is open-source and offers a wide range of tools and commands that are essential for DevOps practitioners. Here are some of the Linux commands that I learned this week:
Find, chmod, chown command
chmod - This command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. It is particularly useful when you want to control who can access or modify a file or folder.
grep - This command is used to search for a specific string in a file. It is particularly useful when you want to find a specific piece of information in a large text file.
copy, remove, move, locate, df, du, echo, head, tail and diff
uname , free
My Experience Learning Linux Commands
Learning Linux commands was a bit challenging for me, as I have not worked with Linux before. However, with the help of Shubham Londhe and Kunal Kushwaha , I was able to understand the basic commands and their usage. I practiced using these commands in a virtual machine, which helped me gain confidence in using them.
In conclusion, the first week of my #90DaysOfDevOps challenge was focused on learning Linux commands that are necessary for DevOps. I learned basic commands such as ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, touch, cp, mv, rm, chmod, find and grep. Although it was a bit challenging, I enjoyed the learning process and am excited to continue my journey in DevOps. Learning Linux commands was just the beginning, and I'm excited to dive deeper into other tools and technologies in the coming weeks. I'm also looking forward to applying DevOps principles and practices in real-world scenarios and collaborating with other DevOps practitioners.